What is premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder? How is it different from PMS?

What Is PMDD? Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) may be an ill-health almost like PMS (PMS), but it’s more serious. Chances are good that you’ve had some kind of PMS since you started your period. Doctors think as many as three-quarters of girls who get periods have some signs of PMS, whether it’s food cravings, cramps, tender breasts, moodiness, or fatigue. But PMDD is different. All the women with PMDD find their symptoms graduate training however it does cause emotional and physical symptoms just like PMS. Your PMDD symptoms could interfere along with your way of life, including work, school, social life, and relationships. If you want to buy medicines healthcare products online then you can easily available them at 3meds.com which provides a 23 % discount on every purchase. PMDD Symptoms The symptoms of PMDD usually show up the week before you begin your period and last until some days after it begins. Most of the time they’re severe and exhausting, and ...